Club Z! Tutors will work through our proven study program, “The Essential Guide for the ACT”, to help you prepare for all test areas. Like the SAT®, the ACT® (American College Testing) predicts a student’s success in college and is used as an admissions tool.
Club Z!’s study programs help students review for the four content sections:
- English
- Math
- Reading
- Science Reasoning
One-on-one tutoring will help students perform at peak level, and reach their academic goals.
Taking the ACT: Test Information and What to Expect | |
ACT® overview | Upcoming test dates |
ACT® structure | Registration information |
Should I take the SAT® or ACT®? | What to bring on test day |
Your ACT Scores | |
How your test is scored | Upcoming test dates |
Your score report | Canceling your scores |
Sending your scores | Should you re-take your ACT®? |
ACT with Club Z! | |
Club Z!´s ACT® preparation program | Test-taking tips |
Our recommendations for study | Quiz yourself! |
Sample test |
(*Test names and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders, including SAT® which is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and the ACT® which is owned by ACT®, Inc. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with or endorse Club Z! Tutoring or this website.)