Summer Tutoring


Worried that your children will forget everything they learned over the course of the summer months? You may have more reason than you think to fear the summer brain drain according to a study by Duke University’s Dr. Harris Cooper, a leading expert on summer learning loss. He writes that long summer vacations “break the rhythm of instruction, lead to forgetting, and require a significant amount of review when students return to school in the fall.”

According to Cooper’s study, students’ overall achievement test scores drop by about one month, on average, over summer vacation. Skills in mathematics and spelling usually take the biggest hits, with math skills suffering almost a 2.6 month loss in achievement. Suffering the most are children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, who are presented with fewer opportunities to practice math and reading skills over the summer months than their more privileged peers. Their reading comprehension skills suffer the greatest, and their losses add up to a 2 year achievement gap by the time they enter their middle school years.

Club Z! In Home Tutoring services can help children catch up or get ahead with one-on-one tutoring in the home. Take advantage of the summer months to remediate or accelerate your child in areas like reading comprehension, mathematics, writing or SAT/ACT test prep. Club Z! even offers programs in study skills (with an emphasis on note-taking strategies, reading comprehension & prioritizing deadlines) that will help your child start the school year off right.

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