Private, In-Home MCCEE Test Prep Tutors
Club Z!’s MCCEE test prep tutors are available throughout Canada to help potential medical professionals qualify for their license to practice medicine. Our tutors focus on the 6 domains of the Medical Council of Canada Evaluation Examination, or MCCEE. Our MCCEE tutors will also work with you in a private setting to improve your ability to apply the knowledge, concepts and principles necessary to pass each step. Each MCCEE test prep tutor is both college educated and experienced with helping individuals in their local areas prepare to meet the necessary requirements to qualify for their medical license.
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What is the MCCEE Test?
The Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) is a four-hour, computer-based examination offered in both English and French at more than 500 centres in 80 countries worldwide. International medical students or U.S. osteopathic students in the final 20 months of their program and international medical school graduates or U.S. osteopathic graduates must take the MCCEE as a prerequisite for eligibility to the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examinations.
The MCCEE is a general assessment of the candidate’s basic medical knowledge in the principal disciplines of medicine. It is also designed to assess the skills and knowledge required at the level of a new medical graduate who is about to enter the first year of supervised postgraduate training.
The computer-based MCCEE consists of 180 multiple-choice questions, each listing five possible answers of which only one is the correct or best answer. The MCCEE questions cover the following domains: Child Health, Maternal Health, Adult Health, Mental Health, and Population Health and Ethics. A number of questions in the examination also have a focus on general practice.
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- Passionate About Your Education
- Personality Matched to Each Client
- Selected for Their Expertise in Each Subject